I. Purpose and Activities
The Southeastern Regional Seminar in African Studies (SERSAS) is a 501c4 non-profit association of individuals residing in the southeastern United States and committed to teaching about and/or the academic study of people and countries in the continent of Africa.
The Seminar normally assembles two times each academic year at sites located within the Southeast. The Seminar works with institutions and organizations hosting a meeting to accomplish one or more of the following activities:
1. Paper presentations on thematic panels where the advance circulation of papers is encouraged;
2. Roundtables for the discussion of specific topics not requiring formal individual presentation;
3. Targeted workshops for graduate students and/or faculty providing focused feedback on on-going research and writing projects;
4. Recognition of outstanding paper presentations by graduate students, and;
5. Other activities proposed by the Coordinators and approved by the Steering Committee deemed consistent with the purpose of the Seminar.
II. Membership
The Seminar recognizes individual participating members upon payment of annual dues of $10.00, formally notifies members of all activities of the Seminar, and consults the membership on decisions affecting the group.
III. Governance
1. A Steering Committee of five members, reflecting the geographic and demographic composition of the southeastern Africanist community, will discuss policy for the Seminar, name two or three coordinators (at least two of whom will be members of the Steering Committee), and may present issues for decision where appropriate to the membership at large;
2. The Coordinators at the time of the adoption of this Constitution shall propose a slate of five members for the steering committee, that will include the coordinators, for approval by the membership;
3. Members of the Steering Committee and Coordinators will normally serve three year renewable terms;
4. The Steering Committee, at its discretion, may stagger the terms of the coordinators and of the Steering Committee to achieve both an infusion of new leadership and the continuity of the Seminar;
5. The Steering Committee may, at its discretion, coopt additional members for specific projects;
6. The Coordinators will plan one or two programs each year working with local arrangements chairpersons or committees at the sites of planned meetings including the setting of registration fees and be responsible for communicating to the membership all relevant information and papers related to the activities of the Seminar. In addition, the Coordinators will be responsible for maintaining the membership list;
7. The Steering Committee shall annually appoint a Treasurer who will supervise the Seminar’s bank account and who will report the income and expenditures of the Seminar at each meeting of the Seminar;
8. A quorum of the Steering Committee and/or of the membership shall be those present at the time of the meeting.
IV. Amendments
The provisions of this constitution may be amended upon prior distribution of the proposed changes by the Steering Committee and may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting.
V. Liability
The Seminar assumes no liability for the health or welfare of its members or officers at any time whether acting for or engaging in any Seminar activities and makes no warranty or guarantee related to the substance or timing of any activities.
Constitution Enacted: 1983
First Online Edition: 27 August 1998
First Revised: 13 February 2001
Last Revised: 11 August, 2020